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Right Hemisphere Brain Injury


Cognitive Communication Disorder

Right Hemisphere Brain Injury

Damage to the right hemisphere (known as Right Hemisphere Damage or RHD) is an acquired brain injury, often resulting from conditions such as stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI). This type of injury primarily impacts communication by affecting various cognitive domains.
RHD can have an impact on:
Semantic Processing
Discourse Processing
In addition to its effects on language, Right Hemisphere Damage (RHD) can lead to impairments in various cognitive domains such as attention, memory, and executive functioning. These deficits may impede communication abilities, with specific challenges like anosognosia (reduced awareness of deficits) and visual neglect (ignoring aspects of visual stimuli) significantly affecting both spoken and written language. Deficiencies linked to RHD become more noticeable during the execution of complex, multidimensional tasks, such as engaging in conversation. These impairments can exert a substantial influence on functional performance in social and vocational settings.
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